Project Team

Associate Professor Ian Hardy

Ian Hardy (PhD) is Associate Professor in Educational Studies in the School of Education, The University of Queensland, Australia. Ian researches the nature and effects of educational policy and politics, and particularly how various kinds of evidence-based policy influences practice in schools and school systems. His recent work focuses on how data are understood by teachers and educators in schools and school systems in national (Australia) and international settings.

Associate Professor Dr Obaid Hamid

Obaid Hamid (PhD) is Senior Lecturer in TESOL Education in the School of Education, The University of Queensland, Australia. Obaid researches policy and practice of TESOL in developing societies, with particular reference to varieties of Englishes, English in education, global tests of English and languages in relation to instrumental, social and socio-cultural outcomes. His recent work seeks to view the English language in the world from Southern perspectives.

Associate Professor Dr Louise Phillips

Louise Phillips (PhD) is Associate Professor and Director of Higher Degree Research in the Faculty of Education, Southern Cross University. Louise has more than 30 years of experience as an early childhood teacher, storyteller, consultant, researcher and tertiary educator in Australia and Singapore. She is internationally known for her research and publications on storytelling, children’s rights and citizenship, arts and rights-based pedagogies and methodologies.

Associate Professor Vicente Reyes

Vicente Reyes (PhD) is an Associate Professor in Educational Leadership and Management at the School of Education,  the University of Bristol, UK. Trained as a political scientist, Vicente pursues inquiries into the application of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in education, educational leadership, research methodologies as well as investigating the phenomenon of corruption alongside governance in educational reform.